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Analysis, Architecture and Detailed Design with UML

类别 Systems Engineering, Requirements & Architecture

3 天

Learn the essential concepts of applying unified modeling language (UML) successfully in projects.

Unified modeling language (UML) provides a standard way to visualize software system design. This training will provide essential information for applying UML successfully in projects. The training comprises modules that can be combined and adapted as required. We will give an overview of the basic concepts in each module, discuss how to use the appropriate UML diagrams and provide practical examples illustrating how to use the concepts in projects. 

  • Introduction and overview of UML
  • Analysis module
    • Use case diagrams
    • Activity diagrams for modeling use case scenarios
    • Class diagrams
    • Sequence diagrams
    • Simple state diagrams
  • Architecture module
    • Component diagrams
    • Composite structure diagrams
    • Class diagrams
    • Sequence diagrams
    • Deployment diagrams
  • Detailed design module
    • Class diagrams
    • Sequence diagrams
    • State diagrams
    • Activity diagrams
  • Relationships between the diagrams
  • Example used in all exercises
  • Software developers
  • Software architects
  • Software designers
  • System analysts

Participants in this training must have previous experience in the development of software systems.


There will be no exam following this training.

  • This training does not lead to certification.
  • For online trainings, all materials are offered digitally. For in-person trainings, all materials are offered digitally and may be supplemented with hard copies. Copies of any relevant standards must be provided by the participant.

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