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Secure Software Development Training

类别 Safety Relevant Development

2 天

Learn why secure C and C++ coding are essential skills as cybersecurity becomes inseparable from automotive design and development.

The automotive industry continues its trajectory toward more software-centric and connected solutions, and cyber threats are increasing in frequency and severity. Cybersecurity is now an essential part of design and development, meaning secure C and C++ coding are essential skills.

This comprehensive course equips participants with a strong understanding of the intersection between cybersecurity and software by linking the critical foundations of software engineering with industry-specific cybersecurity insights. Exercises and examples are used to enhance understanding and provide a big picture view of specific C and C++ vulnerabilities, attack patterns and mitigations through an automotive lens.

  • Overview, background and need for automotive cybersecurity
  • The essential software engineering foundation
    • Software development life cycle
    • Principles and best practices for architectural and unit design
    • Best practices for architectural analysis
  • The cybersecurity foundation
    • Secure coding
    • Cryptography
    • Secure boot and other hardware-specific functions
    • Secure operating systems
    • Access control
    • Intrusion, detection and protection systems
    • Secure software updates
  • Cybersecurity deep dive
  • C and C++ specific vulnerabilities, attacks and mitigations
  • Automotive-specific vulnerabilities, attacks and mitigations
  • Anatomy of an attack and attack flow
  • Defense in depth
  • Ensuring security
    • Verification and validation
    • Penetration testing
    • Continuous cybersecurity activities

Software Engineers


A sound knowledge of software engineering is recommended.


For online trainings, all materials are offered digitally. For in-person trainings, all materials are offered digitally and may be supplemented with hard copies. Copies of any relevant standards must be provided by the learner.

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