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Continuous Integration and Delivery - Hands-on Workshop

类别 Hands-on Workshops

2 天

Learn to support the development of high-quality software with continuous integration and continuous delivery through this hands-on workshop.

Continuous integration, test automation and continuous deployment support the development of high-quality software. However, a "nightly build" is not always sufficient. Build or delivery pipelines quickly become extensive, and it can be difficult to define the correct size of a build.

This hands-on workshop imparts the techniques and practices needed to successfully deploy continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) in a project. Trainers place emphasis on practice-oriented knowledge transfer and, through specific exercises, learners work independently on all aspects of CI and CD.

CI and CD
  • Understanding continuous integration.
  • Understanding continuous delivery/deployment.
  • Exploring the interaction between both.
  • Implementing a build pipeline step by step.
  • Navigating failed builds.
  • Tools support daily work.
  • Tool selection criteria.
Test, Analysis & Review
  • Integrate automatic tests.
  • Include code analysis.
  • Integrate code reviews.

Exercises can be carried out with Jenkins or a CI system selected by the learner. Further tools can also be discussed in detail based on individual needs.

Following the workshop, coaching days are available. The trainer will focus on specific challenges a learner may face when implementing workshop content in everyday life.

  • Software developers
  • Build managers
  • Integrators

Experience in software development

  • All materials are offered digitally. Copies of any relevant standards must be provided by the learner.
  • You will need a laptop for this workshop. Learners will work in groups and with the trainers to define the required development environment.

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